Tuesday, February 24, 2009


There is a voice deep inside me that says that I’m blessed to be living, that I can witness the world created by the Almighty, but there is also regret that I can’t witness the world as created by him.

So much has changed since this universe was created, though changes are inevitable, but the changes for good should be inevitable, but as it is said where good prevails evil also does exists, so we have to live with both good and adverse changes. To the extent where Good and Adverse strike a balance it is easy to cope, but sadly so, there is never a balance. The Adverse always overpowers the Good, rather the consequence of Adverse overpower those of the Good.

As much as I don’t want to sound like a pessimist, I can’t help such thoughts from flowing into my mind. The world appears to be a graveyard of dead souls rather than a consortium of lively spirits. We are increasingly swaying away from humanity and allied virtues.

In these times people see each other as crutches rather than a fellow human being. Every relationship is a means to reach some destination….wonder what is the difference between the local trains and our relationships, we leave one, hop into another and so on…

In today’s ambitious world people feel its better to work for few more hours and gain some fiscal benefits and improve the quality of their life rather than sitting peacefully with their family for at least sometime.

We are all running a big Marathon in which everybody wants to win. In doing so we forget about all that is around us and all that we are leaving behind…We are not even concerned with what is happening to the people around us we are just running…

At the dawn of each day we think about all the work and commitments lined for the day…when did we last think of ourselves and everybody we truly love the first thing in the morning…everybody is in search of ‘something’ and this something seems to have no end….we run and fight against ourselves just to get close that virtual something, without realizing that, that something is within us. We are just like the musk deer which could experience a sweet smell but couldn’t reach it…it kept running and running in its search and finally in its blind search fell from the mountain and lost its life just to realize that the sweet smell was coming from within him…

We are all paying the Cost of living which includes our mental peace, our strength, our happiness, the smile on the faces of our loved ones, and the most important ourselves, we seem to have lost the track of ourselves in this Marathon…Living is rather expensive in today’s times…because it involves living at the edge everyday and sacrificing all that is priceless…

Sometimes I ask myself why are we living and then I get this reply “We are living because there is still some trace amount of humanity and Good alive on this planet, and we are living so that we can propagate this trait and make the lives of our subsequent generations worth living, so that they never have to pay the cost of living as we do”.


Mansi said...

sorry Sangeeta...you can crucify me for this one...

sangeeta said...

that goes without saying maaani....

prashant said...

Whats wrong?
Its d law of nature...Survival of d FITTEST.
So U will hav 2 win d race...

Mansi said...

I know its a race..but its not a 100m race..life is a marathon and u don't need speed to win it what one needs is determination..besides there is no point in completing this race if you don't have anybody to celebrate it with, also human beings are social animals n its better if stay so and not become animals...