Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Endurance of a Fairy

She is magic personified; a God sent fairy who is not native to a fairy tale but to the earth. She is……..Woman.

The writer and Sutradhar of the greatest epic ever, ‘Life’ swirls his magic wand, creates fairies and sends them on Earth to do what he cannot, being the writer and Sutradhar. These fairies have the magical power of endurance beyond imagination. This power is bestowed upon both the genders but Women have a supernatural kind of endurance.

Though the society is changing and becoming better a ‘Girl child’ is still not welcomed in some families and has to struggle, sometimes even for her life….but the society is changing and this little fairy is getting her due. As she grows she has to keep up with the pride of the family, which for some reasons is mostly on the shoulders of girls, while mostly it is the other gender that tarnishes the pride of the family, it is less frequent that a girl tarnishes the pride of her family.

In the second phase of her life he has to endure to carve a niche for herself in this male dominated professional society, where the success of a woman is the cause of concern for most of the members of the opposite gender, less men can tolerate to be sub-ordinate to a woman or even partner in profession, it hurts a certain ‘male ego’…God only knows for what reason they have these egos but they do, that is their congenital problem. But this also is changing, because they have no other option as they can never endure as much as a woman and therefore have to succumb to her.

In the third phase she has to give a test of her endurance once again as she enters the Gruhast Jeevan. Now she has to leave her till now home and acclimatize to new surrounding and people. For men it is easy as they don’t have to disturb their regular setup, for them it just another member in the family but for a woman it is another family. It is not easy to be malleable enough to adjust to a new family; still she endures to do so. In the process of molding herself she has to sacrifice many of her wishes. Only a woman can embrace so many new relationships and nurture them with love and respect. As it is truly said only a woman has the power to transform a house into home. Men can make houses but not homes, women may not be able to make houses but they certainly can make homes.

To enter into the fourth phase, she has to undergo the most grueling endurance of all. All this to deliver a new character created by the Writer. Though the new being is of two individuals the endurance is of one only. In nurturing the child also, the mother undergoes most of the grilling, and she does so with a smile on her face. This is the phase which every woman cherishes and can sacrifice anything for this one feeling….Motherhood.

A woman has a plethora of responsibilities and diverse relations to shoulder. It is not a cakewalk to shoulder so many responsibilities which just keep compounding. In spite of all this she is able to keep her calm and still endure endlessly. Men don’t endure half as much as women do and still can complain of being tired, but women are like the muscles of the heart which just cannot retire.

These God sent fairies undergoes all the endurance with a smile on her face and love in her heart without expecting anything in return…but she does deserve to be addressed with three special words: ‘You are Great’...