Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just realized what is love.....

17th August 2009: A sultry extended summer afternoon, She (my protagonist, don’t want to mention the name) is fast asleep, in spite of the loud volume of the Television and the generators running in the neighboring houses. Her family members are chatting their time away in the drawing room, but she prefers to sleep in the innermost room of the house. When everybody is engrossed in deep discussion suddenly she runs through the drawing room. I sat up confused and almost scared, when another person just smiled and said not to worry He (her husband) must be coming, his scooter must be at the turn and within the next two minutes he was parking his scooter.
How the hell on earth did she know that he was just round the corner when we couldn’t hear even our own voices because of the generators running around, this I thought happens only in Karan Johar movies but this time I saw it for real. She really loves him a lot. She knows exactly what time will he come down for his afternoon snacks or evening tea. She loves sleeping, but even in her deepest slumber she will know exactly when he is coming, almost like reflex action.
1 hr later he comes down after freshening up, his eyes glanced across the entire room, everybody was their but he didn’t start eating till she came with his cup of tea (which only she will make, as a rule). As soon as she came he removed a sweet from his plate and gave it to saying “Mujhe nahi Khana”, she doesn’t resist takes it and eats. I asked my aunt that I have been seeing this for about 15 yrs now and this happens without an exception of even one day, then why doesn’t she keep one sweet less in his plate. My aunt smiled and said that, he does it because he knows that she hasn’t had one after lunch. He finishes and she is off to sleep or reading a book, something she loves. They didn’t exchange a word other than “Mujhe nahi Khana” and that’s all that they have spoken since morning is what I came to know. Is this true and deep love…which needs no vector like words.

22nd April 1984: She is all dressed up as a bride and all set to marry him. She is not nervous neither is he. Both of them have known each other for over 14 yrs now (that’s on records, and may be a few more years for which there is no authenticated record).

Sitting on the dais, waiting for his bride he recalls the first day he had met her, as his junior in Medical College. Now, he is about to tie the knot with the woman he always wanted to spend his life (though they are opposite to each other in every sense)but was reluctant because he thought that the society then was not matured enough to accept an inter-caste, inter-religion marriage, love marriage. He was not scared for himself or her, but for her younger sister and brother and his own sisters. They had mutually decided not to blabber about their relationship and with time she finished her MBBS and moved to Delhi for pursuing MD and he stayed back in the same college. They did not meet each other for about 10 yrs, while she was in Delhi. Both of them had denied all alliances proposed by their parents.

Nobody ever knew that they were willing to marry, but only with each other, only after all their siblings were settled in their lives…Today was the day when they would be declared man and wife for ever…he smiled.

28th March 1983: Then happened a fateful accident, which forced him to reveal his relationship with her. He was traveling with his younger brothers, when their car met with a massive accident near Delhi, they somehow managed to drive upto a hospital in Delhi. One of his brothers was seriously injured, though he had administered First Aid, he would need help and he could only think of her. He gave his youngest brother an address and asked him to give his reference.
It was 1.30 am when a man, stained with blood, rang the door-bell, she opened the door with her mother beside her. As soon as she heard his name, she took her coat, her medical kit and ID and rushed to the hospital(without sparing a thought to verify the information, his name was enough, such is their understanding), by morning his elder brother and father were in the hospital, situation was fine and everybody knew about her…and to his surprise were more than happy to accept her as their daughter-in-law. Even her mother was elated because her daughter who was around 35yrs now had almost refused to marry, was now game for marriage.

Even now at their 25th marriage anniversary they didn’t feel the need to wish each other. They virtually don’t interact with each other for days now, but they know each other so well that there is no room for words…I guess sometimes words may not convey the message, which silence does.

This post may sound fiction but it’s a true story and not an excerpt from the next script of Karan Johar or the Chopras. There is a lot more to this love story, which just can’t be summarized into this one post. All I can say is, if even after 10 yrs of non-contact you think of only one person in times of trouble and trust only person then its love. If you can rush from your home in chappals at 1.30 am on hearing somebodies name even after 10 yrs then its truly and surely pure love…..

Dedicated to the loveliest couple I have ever met and am sure will ever meet.